Designing, Developing and Implementing Innovative, Simple, and Cost-Efficient Solutions
Are you running a fully automated machine, collecting data automatically on the cloud for long term, and analyzing data to gain insight and increase performance on your machine?
Are you collecting Key Performance Indicators from your machines to know how your machines and your operators are performing so you can improve efficiency?
Are you able to trace back your machine movement and operation for a day or a month or a year to troubleshoot, analyze, and gain insight?
Are you able to share dynamic reports and insights from your machine with your team, your stakeholders, and your customers?
Have you been able to avoid long, exhaustive, and costly down time form faults on your machines and recover fast?
Collect all the real-time Data (Temperature, Pressure, Flow), Alarms, and Events
from all your machines with different platform so you can:​
SIGMA IoT Platform
​Use historical data to understand areas for operational improvement
​Identify When, Where, and Why a fault or an event happens and identify the cause
Identify probability of an outcome based on past behavior
Visualize and Control your machines from one central location